
The Ministry of Energy summarized the decline in gas production in Ukraine and forecasted needs

According to the results of the year, gas production may decrease by 6.6-10%.

drop in gas production in Ukraine and predicted needs ” />

Ukrainian gas production companies plan to produce 18.5 billion cubic meters this year. m of gas, which is 6.6% (1.3 billion cubic meters) less than in 2021. This was announced by Deputy Minister of Energy Mykola Kolesnyk, writes Interfax-Ukraine.

“Based on the volumes of actual production that exist today, the forecast volume for this year is approximately 18.5 billion cubic meters. This is without taking into account potential losses,” he said.

He clarified that today the daily production of gas in the country is 49.5 million cubic meters. m, while before the war it was at the level of 55 million cubic meters. m. That is, currently the drop in production is about 10%.

According to him, companies cannot carry out new drilling and overhaul of wells, but only support the maintenance of the existing well fund. This is with the use of equipment that can appear military from the air.

According to the Ministry's estimates, the gas consumption forecast for 2022 is about 21 billion cubic meters. m. This forecast is based on the consumption of previous years, although in the conditions of war and displacement of people it is difficult to say exactly what the consumption will be.

Recall that the production of natural gas in Ukraine in 2021 was 19.8 billion cubic meters. m, in particular by private companies – 5 billion cubic meters. m.

Read also: Cyprus is ready to supply its gas to Europe instead of Russian gas

On the morning of July 27, the supply of Russian gas via Nord Stream dropped to 20%compared to its power. As a result, according to data from the London ICE exchange, gas prices in Europe rose to almost a record $2,350 per thousand cubic meters. The last time the price at the reference TTF hub in the Netherlands was higher than this mark was on March 7 of this year.

Let us remind you that this week the EU leaders concluded an agreement onreducing gas consumption by 15 % in connection with a significant reduction in the supply of fuel from Russia.

In Moscow they do not hide that the purpose of the Russian-European war (so far cold) is to inflict it is enough pain for the adversary, to hit the pockets of European citizens, to cause political crises in a number of countries with the fall of governments, to force the EU to change its policy. In this case, it is to force Europe to abandon its support for Ukraine and restore relations with the Russian Federation. How Europe should pass the gas test with dignity, show solidarity with Ukraine and adhere to European values, read in the articleMykhailo HoncharandIhor Stukalenka  span>“Russia's gas war: how Ukraine and the EU survive the winter”.




Source: ZN

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