
The war is not for territories, but for rights: Zelensky responded to the call of German intellectuals to incline Ukraine to negotiations

If our country makes concessions now, a new conflict will arise later.

incline Ukraine to negotiations ” alt=”The war is not for territories, but for rights: Zelensky responded to the call of German intellectuals to incline Ukraine to negotiations ” />

Advisor to the head of the OP Mykhailo Podolyak stated that German intellectuals whourged the West to incline Ukraine to negotiations with the Russian Federation about “peace”, they do not understand the nature of the war that Russia has unleashed against us. He expressed his opinion during an interview with Bild.

“This is not a war for a piece of territory, for the possession of certain resources or for the opportunity, let's say, to join the republics that the Russian Federation is talking about. This is a war for Russia's right to dictate its terms and rules,” Podolyak said.

He explained that if the war ends incorrectly, that is, if Ukraine makes some concessions, then after a while it will threaten a new conflict.

Read also: Focus: Negotiations with Putin will not bring peace to Ukraine, it is an illusion

Advisor to the chairman OP Mykhailo Podolyak stated that the negotiation process will resume when Russian troops return to the positions they occupied until February 24. On May 17, the Ukrainian side confirmed suspension of negotiations with Russia regarding a peaceful settlement. According to OP adviser Mykhailo Podoliak, there are three reasons for this: Moscow does not demonstrate an understanding of today's processes in the world, does not realize that in any sense the war is not going its rules, schedule or plans, and cannot refuse to inject into the domestic market.

Read the truth about the war in Inna Vedernikova's interview with military analyst Agil Rustamzadeh for ZN.UA.

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Source: ZN

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