
85-year-old Silvio Berlusconi is returning to big politics

The former prime minister of Italy plans to take part in early elections to the country's parliament, which will be held on September 25.

85-year-old Silvio Berlusconi returns to big politics

In mid-June the Italian president officially dissolved the parliamentcountries. After the relevant decree was signed, early elections were scheduled for September 2022. Silvio Berlusconi – the former prime minister of the country, who held this position three times – also decided to take part in the election race. About the ambitious plans of the 85-year-old politician, Politico reports.

Silvio Berlusconi is a well-known figure in Italian politics, moreover, he is a billionaire and media mogul. However, after resigning from the post of Prime Minister of Italy in November 2011, he encountered a number of troubles. In particular, in 2013, he was convicted of tax fraud. And two years before that, he was accused of abuse of office and corruption in the judicial system. The trial on this case lasted almost ten years, and as a result Berlusconi was acquitted.

According to the ex-prime minister, his decision to take part in the elections again was “caused by a sense of duty”. In his opinion, modern Italy needs the values ​​that only his party represents to restart the economy.

“My parents taught me that when I feel a strong sense of duty to do something, I have to find the courage to do it,” Politico quotes Berlusconi.

The publication predicts , that in the September 25 elections in Italy, the “right-wing” coalition led by Silvio Berlusconi has every chance of gaining a majority in parliament, which will provide the ex-prime minister with significant political influence for the next five years.

What is this threatens Ukraine in the current conditions, Natalia Kudryk analyzed in the ZN.UA article. “Putin's friends strive for power in Italy: what Ukraine should know”.

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Recall, earlier Berlusconi condemned the Russian atrocities in Buch and Russia's invasion of Ukraine in general.

Source: ZN

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